He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know Laozi
I am interested in computational neuroscience, computational neuroimaging, information theory, image processing, and deep learning
Skills: Python, Matlab, R, Julia, Shell, Git, Latex, HTML5, JavaScript




I am a researcher working on computational neuroscience, computational neuroimaging, deep learning, information theory, and image and video processing at the TReNDS Center (Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), GSU/GATech/Emory.

News: Our manuscript Revealing complex functional topology brain network correspondences between humans and marmosets was published by Neuroscience Letters!

News: Our manuscript Functional Connectivity via Total Correlation: Analytical results in Visual Areas was published by Neurocomputing!

News: Our manuscript Aberrant High-Order Dependencies in Schizophrenia Resting-State Functional MRI Networks was published by InfoCog@NeurIPS2023!